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Hearts on close pegs, clipped on edge of paper

Heart to Heart

Issue #372

Date posted on June 28, 2019

32 TEAMS GATHERED for the Bishop’s Charities Invitational Golf Tournament on Wednesday at the iconic Glen Abbey Golf Club in Oakville. The weather was perfect for the tourney: sunny all day, with a slight breeze. There was added excitement when 26 year-old Joshua Santucci hit a hole-in-one on hole number three – and won $20,000! His team, and several Chancery personnel volunteering for the day (including me), were witnesses to the exciting event. Once the teams had all completed the 18-hole course, there was a delicious lunch at which prize winners were announced. Thanks to the all the Sponsors, and especially Presenting Sponsor Tripemco Insurance, for their generosity – all in aid of DeMazenod Door at St. Patrick Parish and St. Patrick Catholic Elementary School where hundreds of needy folks are fed everyday! 

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Issue #371

Date posted on June 21, 2019

THE NEW MARIAN CHAPEL AT ST. PETER’S SEMINARY is dedicated to Our Lady of the Annunciation as an expression of gratitude for the assistance of the Diocese of Hamilton with the renovation of the building. The Chapel dedication occurred on Tuesday following a meeting of the Seminary Board of Directors. A beautiful tapestry of the Annunciation, a gift from the Diocese of Hamilton, was hung in the Chapel prior to the dedication. The renovation of the building continues until next Spring when the Seminary will celebrate its completion at the Alumni Reunion 2020!

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Issue #370

Date posted on June 14, 2019

THIS YEAR’S WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS LAST SUNDAY was a remarkably blessed event. 400 couples represented 18,574 years of married life – a powerful witness! One couple celebrated their 72nd anniversary! Congratulations and thanks to Teresa Hartnett and Lena Settimi, from the Diocesan Family Ministry Office for the success of this year’s celebration. As it happened, Teresa and Joe Harnett celebrated their 40th anniversary! Another important reason to celebrate! 

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Issue #369

Date posted on June 7, 2019

THE CCCB STANDING COMMITTEE for Relations with Catholic Movements and Associations has published a special Pentecost message“The first proclamation of salvation motivates us to urgent collaboration with others, which includes fostering unity, charity, and a dialogue of salvation. We truly desire that the young generations with all their desires will discover a yearning for God, to seek him, to love him, and to serve him.”

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