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Year of St. Joseph

Year of St. Joseph, A beloved Father

Date posted on May 31, 2021

On December 8 2020, Pope Francis declared a “Year of St. Joseph” marking the 150th Anniversary of the Proclamation of Saint Joseph as the Patron Saint of the Universal Church. This year continues until December 8, 2021, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.

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Statements regarding discovery at former Kamloops Indian Residential School

Children shoes on steps with roses as memorial

Date posted on May 31, 2021

Following the recent discovery of children’s graves at the former Kamloops Indian Residential School on the Tk’emlups te Secwepemc First Nation, the Canadian Conference for Catholic Bishops and Father Ken Thorson, Provincial of OMI Lacombe Canada Province, have released statements.

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Live-streamed and Prerecorded Masses in the Diocese of Hamilton

Date posted on May 6, 2021

Parishes throughout the Diocese are providing the opportunity to watch both livestreams and prerecorded Masses. The list is organized according to Deanery – find your local parish or find a time that is convenient for you to celebrate Mass at home.

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Highlights and Video: Episcopal Ordination of Bishop Wayne Lobsinger

Date posted on April 27, 2021

“This is the day the Lord has made! Forty-eight hours ago, we didn’t know that this was the day. But this is the day. And here it is,” Bishop Lobsinger remarked to those gathered. The Episcopal Ordination of the Auxiliary Bishop of Hamilton, the Most Reverend Wayne Lobsinger, took place at the Cathedral Basilica of Christ the King in Hamilton, Ontario, on April 18, 2021 at 2:00 p.m.

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Appointment of Auxiliary Bishop for the Diocese of Hamilton

Most Reverend Wayne Lobsinger Auxiliary Bishop-Elect

Date posted on November 21, 2020

His Grace, Archbishop Luigi Bonazzi, Apostolic Nuncio to Canada, has announced that Reverend Father Wayne Lawrence Lobsinger has been appointed Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Hamilton by His Holiness, Pope Francis.

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Blessings in the Midst of Trial
Volume 8

Blessings in the midst of trial Vol. 8

Date posted on October 1, 2020

There was never a lull at Holy Rosary in Burlington because of COVID-19! The parish found numerous ways to keep parishioners in touch with the parish and one another. During the isolation, the parish reached out to parishioners…

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Blessings in the Midst of Trial
Volume 7

Blessings in the Midst of Trial Volume 7

Date posted on September 23, 2020

The youth ministry at St. Augustine’s in Dundas didn’t shut down during the pandemic. It invited the parish to “Do Something Good” in the community. “Do Good” is one of the parish’s youth ministry mottos and supports its “Youth With Purpose” and “Youth in Action” movements. One of those projects was to create and send “Joy Cards” to the residents and staff at St. Joseph’s Villa in Dundas…

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Highlights from the 2020 Diocese of Hamilton Ordinations

Date posted on August 19, 2020

On Friday, August 14th, 2020 and Saturday, August 15th, 2020, the Diocese of Hamilton gained two new permanent deacons and four new priests respectively.

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Blessings in the Midst of Trial
Volume 6

Blessings in the Midst of Trial Volume 6

Date posted on July 31, 2020

As St. Teresa Parish in Kitchener prepared for Pentecost, nine cedars were planted along the church to symbolize the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit…

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Blessings in the Midst of Trial
Volume 5

Blessings in the midst of trial Vol. 5

Date posted on July 24, 2020

The people of St. Clement have stayed true to their small-town roots, living their faith with neighbourly acts of care.

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Blessings in the Midst of Trial
Volume 4

Blessings in the midst of trial Vol. 4

Date posted on July 23, 2020

Thanks to the One Heart, One Soul Campaign, St. Ann’s has been able to move its Music Ministry into the church loft, paint the church interior, install a tile floor to replaced the 37-year-old carpet, install a new sound system in the church and pay down the parish’s Diocesan loan by 30%.

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Blessings in the Midst of Trial
Volume 3

Blessings in the Midst of Trial Volume 3

Date posted on July 9, 2020

The Blessed Sacrament placed in the window of the Holy Rosary office in Guelph has become a “huge inspiration” to the parish and the neighbourhood, said Fr. Vernon Boyd, the parish’s pastor…

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