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Season of Creation 2023: Let Justice and Peace Flow

Season of Creation 2023

Date posted on August 28, 2023

The Season of Creation is the annual Christian celebration to pray and respond together – to listen and care for our common home. The Season “Celebration”  begins on 1 September, the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, and ends on 4 October, the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of ecology beloved by many Christian denominations. This year we will unite around the theme, “Let Justice and Peace Flow.”

In 2015, Pope Francis declared September 1st as the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation. Coinciding with a celebration instituted by the Orthodox Church, it is also a day of ecumenical prayer and unity. As Christians and people of good will, we are called to care for our common home and support initiatives to safeguard our environment. May our efforts today ensure a world where future generations can live healthy and happy lives, enjoying the beauty and resources of the earth which God has entrusted to us!

Watch the Global Ecumenical Online Prayer Service: September 1, 2023