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Ministry with Persons with Disabilities

Ministry with Persons with Disabilities

In an effort to embrace and welcome the members of our church with Autism, Down Syndrome, and other intellectual and developmental disabilities, the Diocese of Hamilton is happy to support Sensory-Friendly Liturgies.

These Masses include lower lights, softer music, scripture from the Children’s Lectionary, and shorter more literal homilies.  These environments are free of stigma, and provide welcome and accompaniment of families of persons with disabilities. We encourage families and individuals to get up and move if needed, to bring alternative seating, fidgets or noise cancelling headphones, and to participate in the liturgy just as they are.

Sensory-Friendly Masses in our Diocese

Mary Mother of God

Mary Mother of God

Mary Mother of God Parish in Oakville will be holding sensory-friendly Mass on the second Sunday of each month at 3:00pm.

The Sensory-Friendly Mass is for Catholics young and old with sensory sensitivities and includes low lights, softer music, short homilies, and the freedom to move or stim.

We invite you to bring earphones, fidgets or other supports.

Celebrating the Sacraments with those with Special Needs

Sacramental preparation and the experience of the liturgies can be modified to meet the needs of those who come forward for the Sacraments with exceptionalities. It is important to have a conversation with your Pastor about accommodations that are required to make the experience of the Sacraments one that is joy-filled for all.

There are a variety of resources available to help with modified preparation for the Sacraments:

USCCB Guidelines for the Celebration of the Sacraments with Persons with Disabilities

Diocese of Hamilton Brochure: Called in Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation

Diocese of Hamilton: Models for Immediate Sacramental Preparation in the Parish, Special Situations

Adaptive Preparation Kits for Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation are available through the Diocesan Office for Evangelization and Catechesis for purchase or loan.

Adaptive Preparation Kits for Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation


Christina Mines

Director of Evangelization & Catechesis

905-528-7988 Ext. 2239
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Matthew Trafford

Administrative Assistant

905-528-7988 Ext. 2339
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