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Catechist Formation and Training

A wide range of training support for parish catechists is available through the Catechesis Office. Please check back soon for the next course!

Please see here for the Apostolic Letter issued ‘Motu Proprio” by Pope Francis Instituting the Ministry of Catechist: Antiquum Ministerium

More information regarding the Ministry of Catechist will be forthcoming both from the National and Diocesan Offices for Evangelization and Catechesis.

For the Catechetical Correspondence Courses:

orientation to the programs for new catechists
ongoing training and retreat opportunities

 For parishes who are interested in using the materials of the Catechetical Correspondence Courses:

orientation to the programs
training for catechists as to how materials may be used in parish classes or meetings

For parishes who use other materials for catechesis:

training and retreats are available at the request of parishes to enhance catechists’ strategies and formation

Contact Christina Mines for more information.


Christina Mines

Director of Evangelization & Catechesis

905-528-7988 Ext. 2239
Send Email

Matthew Trafford

Administrative Assistant

905-528-7988 Ext. 2339
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