We are so pleased you are considering an enriching faith-development program for your child.
These programs are interactive parent-child programs, designed to assist families in the Diocese of Hamilton whose children are enrolled in public or private schools, are homeschooled, or for other reasons unable to attend Catholic Schools. There are programs for every age and stage from Kindergarten through to high school including programs specially designed to assist children preparing for the Sacraments of First Communion and Confirmation.
Our correspondence courses currently reach over 900 children from all over the Diocese — families in the Grey-Bruce, Wellington, Waterloo, Halton and Brant regions as well as in Hamilton.
The Catechesis Office is proud to carry on the important work of the School Sisters of Notre Dame in providing high quality catechesis for children and their families.
Grade One:
Invites young believers into a personal encounter with God.
Grade Two:
Excellent prep for Reconciliation and First Communion.
Grade Three:
Emphasis is placed on the role of the Holy Spirit.
Grade Four:
Explores the Ten Commandments and the Beatitudes in-depth.
Grade Five:
Presents detailed descriptions of the Sacraments as signs in which Jesus meets with us.
Grade Six:
Invites young believers into a deeper understanding of God’s Word in the Bible.
A good overview of the faith for those who have not had instruction through previous grades.
A thoughtful study of basic Catholic belief for all students preparing for Confirmation.
This five-unit course will explore the synoptic Gospels and the letters of St. Paul to help to get to know Jesus better as both fully human and fully divine. This course not only encourages a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, but a commitment to living a life sharing the good news of Jesus with others. Students will have opportunity to delve deep into a Scripture study as well as hear personal testimonies of others journeys with Jesus.
This five-unit course leads students towards a deeper understanding of the Church as a means to encountering Christ. The connection between the Gospel of Matthew and the growth of the Church is the thread that runs through all five units. This course also gives special attention to the encyclicals of Pope Francis as they relate to the mission of the Church. A different encyclical is explored in each unit.
This five-unit course leads students towards a deeper understanding of the Sacraments as a means to encountering Christ. This course provides a strong scriptural background for all seven Sacraments as well as the opportunity to seek God’s presence and guidance in these tangible moments of grace. The course overviews the Sacraments of Initiation first, then the Sacraments of Healing and then the Sacraments associated with Vocation.
This five-unit course leads students towards a deeper understanding of Christian morality, focusing on the importance of decision making and moral law. This course references heavily on Old and New Testament study, looking at Scriptural foundation for Christian morality.
Who may benefit from these programs?
Our programs are designed for children who are enrolled in public or private schools, are homeschooled, or for other reasons unable to attend Catholic Schools. Children who come into the Catholic School system at an older age may benefit from additional religious education as well.
When do families normally register?
Families register all year long. Normally, registration takes place between August and October so that families working towards First Communion or Confirmation have adequate time to prepare.
How do I register?
Registration can be completed online with payment made by either Visa or MasterCard credit cards. You may also print a registration form from our website and mail it to the Diocese office with a cheque.
What is the cost?
Each program is $60. A family who registers 3 or more children pays only $150. Arrangements can be made where children in one family share a text book. Contact our office for more information.
Who is a catechist?
Each child is assigned a catechist who will review their worksheets and be the main contact for your family throughout the program. Catechists are generously committed lay persons.
Catechists are careful to treat the papers they review, not as tests but as efforts to learn about and live our faith. A catechist’s comments invite students to celebrate their correct answers and to learn from their mistakes.
Does my parish know about these courses?
Yes, some parishes will take your registration form there and some will ask you to register directly with us. When you enroll your child in the Catechetical Correspondence Courses, we contact your parish to let them know. Your catechist will keep your parish informed about the progress of your child and will inform them when your child completes the program.
Are there courses for older students?
Yes, there are courses for children from Kindergarten to high school. We have courses specially designed for older children who have not yet made their First Communion or Confirmation. You can contact our office to discuss which program is best suited for your child’s needs.
Christina Mines
Director of Evangelization & Catechesis
905-528-7988 Ext. 2239
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Matthew Trafford
Administrative Assistant
905-528-7988 Ext. 2339
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