Papal Audiences are held on Wednesdays if the Pope is in Rome, giving pilgrims and visitors the chance to “see the Pope” and receive the Papal Blessing or Apostolic Blessing from the successor of the Apostle Peter during their visit.
The Audience with the Pope consists of small teachings and readings mainly in Italian but also in English, French, German, Spanish, Polish, Portuguese and sometimes other languages depending on groups visiting.
The Pope will do a greeting in each language and special visiting groups, Choirs etc from various countries will get a mention.
At the end of the Audience the Pope will pray together with those attending the Audience, the Our Father prayer in Latin. This Prayer is normally printed on the back of the Papal Audience Ticket.
At the end of the Prayer as Head of the Catholic Church he will impart his Apostolic Blessing upon the crowd which also extends to loved ones that are sick and suffering and blesses any religious articles such as rosary beads that people have brought with them for the purpose of the blessing.
The Papal Audience is scheduled to start at 10.30am (Sometimes in Summer due to the heat they may start the audience at 10am instead). However, you will find that most people will arrive early to get a good seat. Security opens between 8 – 8.30am.
In Summer the audience is usually held in St Peter’s Square to accommodate the large crowds, there is a seating area near the front for those with tickets but it is still a first come first served basis so again to get a good seat you should arrive early.
If you are unable to arrive early or get a ticket in advance, again as the audience is usually held in St. Peter’s Square during the Summer season it is still possible to access the Square and participate as there is plenty of standing room at the back of the Square.
Papal Audience Tickets are entirely FREE!
For more information contact:
Prefecture of the Papal Household
00120 Vatican City State
Fax: +39 06 6988 5863
Or click on the following link to download a ticket request form: