Faith Leaders’ Letter on Housing and Election Resources
Date posted on February 26, 2025
Provincial Election on February 27th, 2025. Pray, Discern, Plan to Vote.
As the provincial election quickly approaches we encourage all to faithfully discern the candidates and key issues that impact our communities. Please take a moment to inform yourself on how you can participate in this election:
Voting Like a Catholic: This one-pager from Catholic Conscience provides a simple, step-by-step guide to voting and issues to consider as Catholics.
Elections Ontario: Find more information on the election, your riding and how to register.
Letter from Faith Leaders, calling for action on the housing crisis
Five Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran, United Church and Unitarian faith leaders are calling on all provincial candidates for formal commitments to measures needed to effectively deal with the burgeoning unaffordability of housing, which they describe as “a moral crisis”.
The public letter was signed by: Rev. Douglas Crosby, Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Hamilton; Rev. Dr. Susan Bell, Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Niagara; Rev. Carla Blakely, Bishop of the Eastern Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada; Rev. Mark Laird, Executive Minister of three southwestern Ontario Regional Councils of the United Church of Canada; and Rev. Danie Webber, minister of the First Unitarian Church of Hamilton. The dioceses, synod and regional councils all include Hamilton and/or significant parts of Southwestern Ontario.