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Forward Together in Christ

Forward Together in Christ

Forward Together in Christ

Desiring to support the work of the Holy Spirit in the Diocese of Hamilton, Forward Together in Christ was initiated to help the Bishop of Hamilton discern the best way to move the diocese forward after the struggles and limitations imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Close to 1,000 people from across the Diocese of Hamilton participated in these opportunities to speak together and offer to the Bishop their wisdom and experience.

The main overall concern that arose was communication:

communication between the chancery and parishes, bishops and priests, priests and deacons, clergy and laity, pastors and principals, and parishioners within their local parish settings. There seemed to be a growing sense of “us and them”. The idea of being together, on the same side, seemed to be far from the perceived reality. This struggle of communication showed itself in all areas of discussion. There is a need for greater clarity on relationships and roles among the various members of the Church.

From the discussions with the priests, deacons and lay pastoral ministers, seven main areas requiring attention emerged. In no particular order they are:


This topic is incredibly important and covers a broad spectrum of ideas. There is a strong desire for discussions focusing on engaging the laity more fully in new and meaningful ways.

Communication / Relationships

The development of better communication, as stated earlier, is needed in all areas of the Church’s life and ministry. We all need to become better at helping each other understand the “why” behind decisions.


It was clear that we need a way of catechising and evangelizing that is effective in our time and place.


Our relationship with Catholic schools presents us with many challenges. Though schools are an important part of parish/diocesan life, the Church does not have direct oversight of the schools.

Hospitality / Outreach

Many of the topics in this report deal with being “more intentional.” Intentionality was recognized to be of great importance.


“The Eucharist ‘is the source and summit of the Christian Life’” (CCC 1324 quoting Lumen Gentium 11). It is during the celebration of the Eucharist and the other sacraments that Catholics have their most profound and fulfilling experience of God’s activity in their lives.

Clergy Care

We have not yet fully understood the effects that COVID-19 has had on everyone. This is also true of our clergy.

As the Forward Together in Christ team read the recorded notes and produced the summaries, some themes became clear.

These themes come through the collected wisdom of the clergy and people of the Diocese of Hamilton and give us clear direction for moving Forward Together in Christ. We invite you to read those Main Themes by opening the accordion below.

Main Themes from Forward Together in Christ
  1. The People of God love their Church and they want the Church to be better at being the presence of God in the world today.
  2. Our Catholic people love the Church and desire to understand more fully the liturgy, and teachings of the Church. Support of lay formation will be essential to the future growth of the Church. 
  3. The laity must be helped to realize that the Church and her ministers are not able to do everything that people may desire.
  4. The laity have to be assisted to understand their responsibility to help build and maintain the Church. The laity must step up to their proper role and the clergy must assist and allow them to take on these roles.
  5. People love their bishops and priests and are grateful for their ministry, but find it difficult when they do not seem available or responsive to their needs and struggles. Somee clergy can appear aloof, as though they do not understand the people they serve. 
  6. The clergy need to know their community and their unique attributes, to assist the faithful as the baptized people of God, called to cooperate in the mission of the Church.
  7. There is a very high expectation for the clergy to engage with their people. Many people feel a lack of connection with their shepherds.
  8. There is also a clear sense among many that the laity do not understand the life and ministry of bishops, priests and deacons.
  9. The clergy need to seek the wisdom of the laity in making decisions and give clear explanations for decisions.
  10. Ongoing dialogue between the diocese and our Catholic school boards is needed to support Catholic schools and parishes in building good relationships.
  11. There is a need to heal wounds in the relationships between the diocese/parishes and Catholic schools caused by misconceptions and lack of charity.
  12. Catechesis around the Eucharist and other sacraments needs to be improved. Many Catholics do not understand the liturgy, but there is a great desire to understand.
  13. Children’s Liturgy is greatly desired. Helping our children to understand the Word of God and the liturgy is essential to the continuation of the Church.
  14. We need to provide the necessary supports and resources for parents in their role as the first teachers of the faith to their children and youth.
  15. We need to teach our Catholic faith in ways that are both faithful to what we believe and respectful of those whose reality does not match the ideal of the Christian message.
  16. Youth need support from and connection to the Church: parish, diocese and universal.
  17. We need to be better at communication at all levels of the diocese, improving our advertising and promoting diocesan resources, tools and events.
  18. In today’s technological world, we must learn to make better use of technology to communicate more effectively and widely.
  19. Further discussion around the use of technology in the liturgy is required.

Now the great work of moving Forward Together in Christ begins.

In order to move Forward Together in Christ, effort and changes will be needed at all levels of the diocese. The Bishop’s Office, the Chancery Office, and the Parishes will all need to step up and step out in faith. All the faithful, each in his or her own way and place will need to hear the call of the Holy Spirit and His Church to work together to build the Kingdom of God.

Practical Suggestions: Diocesan Level
  1. That the bishop(s) seek ways to hear the voice of the clergy and the people of God and to have a greater presence and availability.
  2. That the bishop(s) communicate with greater transparency and, whenever possible, to be able to explain the reasons behind his decisions.
  3. That the role of Deans, the College of Consultors, and the Presbyteral Council be re-examined and better utilized in order to be more active in knowing the needs and concerns of those in their deanery, and feel freer to bring them to the bishop.
  4. That the diocese consider the formation of a Diocesan Pastoral Council, which would include clergy and laity from across the diocese.
  5. That the chancery office, produce updated guidelines for Finance and Parish Councils.
  6. That the Diocesan Pastoral Offices provide resources to support the current needs of the parishes and parishioners.
  7. That the diocese organize an annual synodal gathering, with the bishop(s and parish representatives to discern and discuss the needs and direction of the diocese.
  8. That the chancery office develop an effective communications strategy for the diocese.
  9. That a new section in the annual Spiritual and Financial Report be developed to indicate how parishes are implementing these recommendations.
  10. That the diocese commit to ongoing discussion and consultation with education leaders to strengthen and renew collaborative relationships between parishes and education institutions.
  11. That the diocese promote the involvement of clergy and lay pastoral ministers in schools under their spiritual care.
  12. That the diocese promote the awareness of the Religious education and Family Life programs used in our catholic schools are developed by the Institution of Catholic Education and approved by the Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario.
  13. That the diocese entrust the ongoing work of Synodality to a body to ensure this good work continues and grows.
Practical Suggestions: Parish Level
  1. That the clergy, shepherds of God’s people, make every effort to be present and available to their people, especially before and after the celebration of sacraments.
  2. That the clergy continue to develop preaching and presiding skills to ensure the celebration of the Eucharist and other sacraments are celebrated in union with the Church and helpful to the spiritual needs of parishioners.
  3. That the clergy need to continue to invite, welcome and prepare the laity to fulfill their responsibilities as disciples of Jesus.
  4. That all parishes are encouraged to have a Parish Pastoral Council in addition to a Finance Council.
  5. That parishes establish an annual synodal gathering, where all parishioners have the opportunity to express their needs and concerns. A summary of these sessions is to be forwarded to the bishop or his delegate.
  6. That pastors make every effort to ensure their people come to a deeper appreciation and knowledge of the Eucharist and other sacraments.
  7. That all the faithful, clergy and laity, take seriously the responsibility to continue to grow in the knowledge of the faith and assist each other to do so.
  8. That the laity be encouraged to take on their proper role in the growth of the parish. Providing proper training is the responsibility of the diocese and parish together.
  9. That parish musicians participate in all available workshops, ensuring the music they offer is appropriate and supports the people of God in their call to “full, conscious, and active participation” in the liturgy.
  10. That each parish develop a Children’s Liturgy of the Word program, based on the celebration of God’s Word (and not arts and crafts).
  11. That parishes discern how to create true hospitality, ensuring all people are invited and welcome.
  12. That priests and parishioners be present, and find new ways to cooperate actively, with their local Catholic school(s).
  13. That pastors develop strong, mutual and charitable relationships with the principals and teachers in their Catholic school(s).
  14. That parishes seek ways to work together to help support each other, willing to share resources, facilities and staff.
  15. That pastors complete a new section in the annual Diocesan Spiritual and Financial Report, indicating what the parish has done to implement these recommendations to move our diocese Forward Together in Christ.
Forward Together in Christ

Having reached out and invited in our clergy and laity to share with our bishop in his role to guide the Church in the Diocese Hamilton, we have found areas where we need to continue to grow, and to heed better the call of the Holy Spirit today. Now comes the task of responding to the voice of the Holy Spirit.

All the baptized, bishops, priests, deacons, religious, consecrated, and laity, together, have the responsibility to build God’s Kingdom, each in his or her way, role, and place, for Jesus has given all of us the responsibility to be His presence in the world today and to build His Church. Let us pray for the ongoing success of our Forward Together in Christ initiative.