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Student Award: Ashley Stevenson

Diocese of Hamilton Student Award: Ashley Stevenson

Date posted on August 30, 2023

Holy Trinity Catholic Secondary School, Oakvile

Ashley Stevenson is a wonderful, hard-working, compassionate, and caring individual. Not only did she achieve a 95.5% average in Grade 12, but she was also involved in numerous extra-curricular activities illustrating that she is truly accomplished in many areas. 

Ashley is one of our Liturgical Ministers, serving as a Minister of Communion and Minister of the Word. She was also part of the Steering Committee for the Development and Peace Club. She is an integral member of SHIELD, serving as a Mentor in Grade 11 and as a Trailblazer in Grade 12.

Ashley also demonstrated her talent as a cast member of Trinity Live Arts in 2022’s production of You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown and 2023’s “Legacy” musical. Ashley – her positive spirit and energy – will truly be missed at Holy Trinity CSS!

Congratulations Ashley!

The Diocese of Hamilton Award is given to a student in the graduating class in every high school across the Diocese at the end of every school year. The Award recognizes a student in the graduating class who has attained high academic proficiency and exemplifies Catholic leadership qualities, Christian values and a commitment to service in the community.