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National Family and Life Week

National Family & Life Week: May 7-14, 2023

Date posted on May 4, 2023

The Hamilton Diocese joins Dioceses across Canada in celebrating the National Week of Family and Life from May 7-14th. The theme, Love One Another, is chosen from Jesus’ words, “Love one another. Just as I have loved you, love one another” (John 13:34).

Below you will find a variety of tools to be used at home, in schools and/or parishes that seeks to emphasize the joy and beauty of family and life by highlighting various lived experiences of those in our local communities. Family supports life and therefore, the two are intricately linked; it is family we come to know love and where we learn how to love. This is a week to celebrate, to remember your own family members and others and to focus, not just during this week, but all year round, on the importance and power of family in each person’s life.

The CCCB encourages all of us, throughout this week, to be united in prayer, reflection, and action, demonstrating our active support for family and life. Indeed, families are “guardians of life” when we love one another within our families, and when, within the wider society we show kindness toward and care for the vulnerable and marginalized.

Message from the CCCB President (PDF)
Catechesis for Families & Parishes (PDF)
Added: Prayers for Each Day (PDF)