THE RITE OF ELECTION is an important part of the journey of candidates following the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, RCIA. This year the Rite of Election will be held at the Cathedral Basilica of Christ the King, in Hamilton, beginning at 1:30 p.m., March 9, 2025, the First Sunday of Lent. Candidates and their sponsors from all parishes and missions in the Diocese will gather for this celebration. The Rite closes the catechumenate period and begins the final spiritual preparation for the “Elect” prior to the celebration of the Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil.
MANY CELEBRATIONS DURING THE JUBILEE OF HOPE will occur in Rome throughout the year. We note especially Jubilee celebrations for Deacons, Seminarians, Priests and Bishops. The Jubilee for Deacons occurs February 21-23. The Jubilee for Seminarians occurs June 23-24. The Jubilee for Priests occurs June 25-27. The Jubilee for Bishops occurs June 25-26. Check out the links for more information. The Diocese of Hamilton is not coordinating pilgrimages to Rome. Individuals wishing to join other groups are invited to contact Mrs. Marg Shea-Lawrence, Secretary of the CCCB Ad Hoc Committee for the Jubilee to determine if there are other dioceses or organizations planning pilgrimages.
ST. JOSEPH’S HEALTH SYSTEM BOARD CHAIR, ROGER FULTON, announced the retirement of System President and Chief Executive Officer, ELIZABETH BULLER effective April 1, 2025, after almost 40 years of leadership in health care. In the same announcement, he announced the appointment of MICHAEL HEENAN, as Interim President and Chief Executive Officer, while retaining his current responsibilities as President of St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton. Congratulations and thank you to both for your dedicated service to Catholic Health Care in the Diocese!
THE CARMELITE NUNS AT THE CARMEL OF ST. JOSEPH in St. Agatha, marked the 72nd anniversary of the celebration of the First Mass in their first monastery in Kitchener, on January 23rd. We thank God for their presence in the Diocese and for the prayers offered by the Nuns for the needs of our Diocese and all parishioners!
THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS from Father Theobald Spetz, C.R. Council 5135 in Waterloo, were featured in the December 2024 issue of Columbia Magazine, the information bulletin of the Knights of Columbus worldwide. The story featured the Christmas toy drive that began in 1997 with 175 donations, and now brings in tens of thousands of new toys – the largest toy drive in southwestern Ontario! Last year 35,000 toys were distributed to more than 35 charitable agencies. Impressive indeed!
FEBRUARY IS KNOWN AS THE MONTH OF LOVE, but love needs to be part of our thinking 24/7! Love is an action word, so take time to reflect on your own contribution to your married relationship. Do you use kind words, compliment your spouse, apologize when necessary, show love through action in the things you do, pray for your spouse daily and make the time to be together and share your day? These will all build love and keep it strong. (Marriage Tip 146 from the Diocesan Family Ministry Office)
THE 46th ANNUAL FATHER KENNEDY BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT takes place at St. Thomas More Catholic High School today and tomorrow. Eight teams from Catholic high schools in southern Ontario strive for the trophy. Father Kennedy would be delighted to know the friendly competition continues! Good luck to all!
Ex corde, +Douglas, OMI