THE SPIRIT GARDEN, a project seven years in the making, was officially opened at Nathan Phillips Square, Toronto City Hall, on September 30th, the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation. More than 100 residential school survivors were the first to walk in the space along with Indigenous community members and politicians. The project of the Toronto Fire Indigenous Council, supported by many Catholic organizations including the Diocese of Hamilton, is designed to bridge cross-cultural dialogue through teaching, learning, sharing and healing for both Indigenous communities and all who visit. It responds in part to a Call to Action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. The Spirit Garden features a six-foot tall limestone turtle sculpture, and 36-foot-long stainless steel spirit canoe with laser-cut artwork and painted panels, a five-foot-tall Inuksuk, a teaching lodge and two-way Wampum walkway, and a Three Sisters garden planted with beans, squash and corn, accompanied by artwork etched onto Muntz metal panels. It is the most recent ‘must visit’ location in the city!
DWAYNE CAHILL, MANAGER OF ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE at Catholic Cemeteries of the Diocese of Hamilton, graduated recently from the Notre Dame University School of Leadership and Management Excellence (SLME). Catholic Cemetery, the official magazine of the Catholic Cemetery Conference in the United States, published his reflection on the study experience and its impact on his work here in the Diocese. Congratulations to Dwayne. We are grateful for your service!
WELCOME TO NET MINISTRIES CANADA, a group of 10 young missionaries who will be ministering to young people at Blessed Sacrament Parish in Kitchener and Sacred Heart Parish in Paris. Please pray for the young leaders and those who will participate in the lively retreats. Thank you to the host families who will provide a warm welcome to the young people.
THIS SUNDAY IS “RESPECT FOR LIFE SUNDAY” and prolife groups in the Diocese will be promoting LIFE CHAIN at various locations across the Diocese. LIFE CHAIN is a peaceful prayer gathering promoting LIFE from conception to natural death. It is recognized for its respectful and prayerful approach, worthy of people of faith. May such witness be effective!
THE DIOCESAN OFFICE FOR FAMILY MINISTRY will run its popular grief training program in November. Interested in learning more about the effects of grief and how to help people struggling with grief? Contact the Family Ministry Office for more information and to register!
THE RENOVATION OF THE KING STREET STEPS at the Cathedral Basilica of Christ the King, has been completed. The new Indiana limestone steps were installed by Oakridge Landscaping and was carefully overseen by Deacon Tom Vert. The new steps improve access and safety for parishioners and visitors. Work began after Easter with the demolition of the existing steps which were installed over 90 years ago. The pattern of stone on the landing mirrors the new layout in the Cathedral Basilica.
PERMANENT DEACON FORMATION continues this weekend at Mount Mary Immaculate Retreat Centre. Father David Perrin will present on the Holy Spirit to the first year candidates, and Father Mark Gatto will present on Fundamental Theology to the third year candidates. We pray for those preparing to serve in the Diocese of Hamilton and the Diocese of St. Catharines.
THE ASSEMBLY OF CATHOLIC BISHOPS OF ONTARIO (ACBO) meet in Toronto next week. Please pray for us as we discuss matters of pastoral priority and concern in our dioceses. It is always a time of blessing and renewal for the bishops who serve in Ontario!
Ex corde, +Douglas, OMI