EXCITEMENT IS GROWING AT ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA CHURCH, HAMILTON, as workers complete the final touches on the new church on Rymal Road, Hamilton! Final Masses are being celebrated this weekend in the churches of the two parish communities (Our Lady of Lourdes and Corpus Christi) that were united in the new parish several years ago. The dedication of the new parish church will take place NEXT Sunday, October 22nd!
BISHOP WILLIAM MCGRATTAN, President of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops published a statement yesterday to the Catholic faithful in Canada concerning the “recent escalation of conflict in the Holy Land”. In it, the Bishop invited the Catholic faithful “to join other people of good will, here and around the world, in imploring God to move the hearts of those leaders engaged in the present conflict in order to decrease the acts of terrorism, cease violence and war, and resume constructive efforts that are aimed at establishing lasting peace and concord”. The entire statement can be read here. We pray to the Lord!
ELIZABETH BULLER, St. Joseph’s Health System President and CEO, announced the long-awaited news that a new President for St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton has been appointed. Michael Heenan, PhD, brings 22 years of progressive executive leadership experience in large community and academic hospitals and at the Ontario Ministry of Health, including as Assistant Deputy Minister, Hospitals and Capital, during the COVID-19 pandemic. He is familiar with Hamilton, having earned a PhD in Business Administration Health Policy Management, an MBA in Health Services Management, and Bachelor of Arts, at McMaster University. And he is familiar with St. Joseph’s, having held several leadership positions at the hospital between 2003-2009, before moving into leadership positions at other Ontario hospitals! He assumes his new responsibilities on November 27th. We welcome him home!
THE UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH CATHOLIC COMMUNITY will celebrate the conclusion of the pastoral service of the Jesuits at the University. With the opening of the Newman Student Centre, the Jesuits continued to offer Sunday Mass on the campus of the University. On Sunday afternoon, a reception will be held to thank the Jesuit community in Guelph for their faithful and generous service over many, many years. We add our thanks too!
THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS IN HAMILTON have invited the Priests serving in Hamilton and area to gather at their club at St. Eugene Parish for their annual Clergy Appreciation Night. It is always a happy occasion. The highlight of the evening is the presentation of the proceeds of last February’s Bishop’s Charity Dinner Dance! The contribution will then be divided among several charities doing “life-saving” work in the Diocese. Thanks to brother Knights for your constant fraternal support!
FOSTER PARENTS WILL BE HONOURED at a dinner sponsored by the Catholic Children’s Aid Society of Hamilton next Friday evening. Formerly an annual event, the COVID restrictions made it impossible to celebrate the important work of “fostering” young people needing such important support. It is always a deeply emotional experience to see foster parents honoured not only by CCASH but even more importantly by the young people who have benefitted from the loving care of foster parents! Interested in fostering? Contact CCASH!
THE “WHITE MASS” will be celebrated at Canadian Martyrs Parish, Hamilton, at 11:30 a.m. on Sunday morning. Along with parishioners and students from the St. Kateri Student Centre (McMaster), the Mass will draw Catholic medical practitioners who seek God’s reassuring and healing presence as they offer medical services to the patients they serve. May their healing service be a blessing!
40 DAYS FOR LIFE MASS will be celebrated at St. Augustine Parish, Dundas, beginning at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday evening. All are welcome at the Mass to pray in support of “life” for the unborn, and an end to abortion.
WE CONTINUE TO PRAY that the Holy Spirit will inspire and guide the participants gathered at the Synod on Synodality in Rome!
Our Lady of the Annunciation, pray for us.