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Instrumentum Laboris

Issue #512

THE INSTRUMENTUM LABORIS (WORKING DOCUMENT), which will guide the work of the participants in the two-part General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on Synodality, was released by the Vatican earlier this week. The 60-page document incorporates the experiences of local Churches in every region of the world. Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich, Relator General of the Synod, explains that the document is the result of a journey on many different levels, the communities, the parishes, the dioceses, bishops conferences, and the continental assemblies. The current text is meant to inspire reflection and conversation at the Synod, leading to discernment of results that will be presented to the Holy Father. The Instrumentum Laboris can be read here.

THE COMMISSION FOR JUSTICE AND PEACE of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) has released a Pastoral Letter with the title Living as Catholics in the Public Square: Freedom of Religion and Conscience in Canada. The letter emphasizes the significance of freedom of religion and conscience in our democratic society and explores the role of Catholics in courageously living out their faith in the public square. Catholics are encouraged to champion the common good and contribute to public debates, conscious of the importance of religious freedom for all people. Read the letter here.

INCARNATION OF OUR BLESSED LORD PARISH celebrates its 50th anniversary at the 11:00 a.m. Mass of Thanksgiving on Sunday morning, June 25th. A parish luncheon will follow at Galileo Gardens in Stoney Creek. Congratulations to parishioners. “Remember the past with gratitude! Live the present with enthusiasm! Go into the future with confidence!”

CATHOLIC CHILDREN’S AID SOCIETY OF HAMILTON (CCASH) holds its Annual General Meeting next Monday. It is an opportunity to honour young people who have succeeded in a variety of ways as they prepare to complete their journey with the agency! The work of CCASH is life-saving, and the meeting is often emotionally impactful! Congratulation to the young people. Thank you to CCASH staff!

WELCOME TO BISHOP JOHN CORRIVEAU, O.F.M., who will be preaching the retreat next week to the Sisters of the Precious Blood at their Dundas monastery. The Bishop keeps busy even as he enjoys retirement after a life of service. The Sisters will benefit from his spiritual insights, his practical wisdom, and his good humour!

BLESSED SACRAMENT PARISH in Kitchener welcomes the Young Singers of Lambersart French Boy’s Choir in concert on Thursday, July 13th, at 7:00 p.m. Admission is free, and the musical atmosphere promises to be sheer beauty. All are invited – bring a friend!

WENESDAY, JUNE 28th, is “moving day” for many Priests in the Diocese. New parish assignments are effective at noon on that day. Thank you to Priests for accepting new appointments. Thank you to Priests who are retiring after years of serving in the “vineyard of the Lord”!

NEXT FRIDAY, JUNE 30th, the Chancery Staff will gather for our annual BBQ luncheon, to celebrate the beginning of the summer months! The Chancery program changes during the summer months as Chancery personnel take well-deserved vacations and the hectic agenda eases up. This will be the final Heart to Heart for the summer – there may be one or two editions during the summer to provide updates when necessary. A safe and restful summer to all!

Our Lady of the Annunciation, pray for us!

Ex corde,
+Douglas, OMI


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