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Wedding Anniversary Mass, image of couples

Issue #503

THE WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS was held last Sunday at the Cathedral Basilica of Christ the King. Over 300 hundred couples celebrated 25, 40, 50, 60 and 60+ anniversaries. Two couples among them celebrated 75th anniversaries! A blessing! Media coverage of the event was the best ever – perhaps reflecting public interest after the three-year COVID hiatus. Thanks to Teresa Hartnett and Sarah Lintott for the organizational success. Thanks to Father David Wynen and the Cathedral staff, and to the Pastoral Offices staff who assured the good order of the event.

THE INDIGENOUS RECONCILIATION FUND COLLECTION will take place in our parishes this Sunday. The collection will support local initiatives of healing and reconciliation with our Indigenous brothers and sisters and forms part of the larger $30 million national commitment made by Catholic dioceses across Canada. The first diocesan collection was held in May last year, and parishioners responded generously, contributing over $170,000! The IRF Advisory Council, comprised of four Indigenous and three Diocesan representatives, has met to review the fund’s four priorities and consider grant requests. This is an important Canada-wide healing initiative of the Catholic community. Thank you for your generosity.

ST. THOMAS MORE CATHOLIC SECONDARY SCHOOL IN HAMILTON celebrates its 50th Anniversary with several events next weekend. A Mass of Thanksgiving will be celebrated in the school next Thursday, April 27th, at 9:15 a.m. Former staff and students are invited to attend. A gala dinner later in the day will be a highlight of the celebrations. Contact the school if you are interested to be part of the happy event! “Remember the past with gratitude! Live the present with enthusiasm! Go into the future with confidence!”

THE FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER, Good Shepherd Sunday, April 30, 2023, is the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. “We are invited to reflect on the meaning of God’s call and to pray for vocations. Christ, the Good Shepherd, continues to lead his people through His Bishops, Priests and Deacons, and calls many to follow Him in this way. Priestly, diaconal, and religious vocations should be a constant concern in the hearts of God’s people.” (from the ORDO, Liturgical Calendar 2023)

ST. JEROME’S UNIVERSITY RECOGNIZES ONGOING CONTRIBUTIONS of Catholic Institutions, leaders and educators through the annual granting of the John R. and Kay Sweeney Award for Catholic Leadership. The award is given to exemplary leaders who publicly live out the gospel values and who understand the need to demonstrate these values to future generations of leaders. The University is accepting submissions for the prestigious award and invites community members to submit nominations to .

THE CANADIAN CATHOLIC BIOETHICS INSTITUTE NEWSLETTER of April 14, 2023, focuses on Access to Palliative Care. “CCBI has always advocated for good quality palliative care, seeing it as a human need and as an aid to maintaining dignity and morale at end-of-life as people move into the liminal stage before death. It is often an important aspect of our spiritual as well as physical journey, and it needs to be well done and available to all who can benefit from it. … We do not come into this world alone and we are not meant to leave it that way either, although circumstances vary.” The entire text, which is well worth the read, is available on their website.

CATHOLIC EDUCATION WEEK BEGINS SUNDAY, APRIL 30th! Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board (HWCDSB) kicks off the week with a Pilgrimage Mass at Cathedral High School at 11:00 a.m. The Mass is followed by the popular Pilgrimage Walk up the escarpment! The entire week is packed with many activities sponsored by the seven Catholic District School Boards serving the Diocese of Hamilton that celebrate the gift of publicly funded Catholic Education in Ontario. Watch for exciting celebratory messages from students on social media throughout the week!


Ex corde, +Douglas, OMI

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