The major desire of synodality is to hear the voice of all the people of God. Desiring to discern the will of the Holy Spirit, the Forward Together in Christ committee organized a series of discussion days throughout the diocese, one in each deanery, except the Hamilton Deanery which had two due to the number of parishes in that deanery. Each pastor was asked to invite six members of his parish to join him for these discussions. The response from the priests and the people of God who attended, was amazing. Close to one thousand people from across the Diocese of Hamilton participated in these opportunities to speak together and offer to the bishop their wisdom and experience.
During these deanery sessions, the participants were placed in groups of six to eight people and had the opportunity to discuss each of our seven areas of growth identified for the Diocese of Hamilton. Each group had a scribe and the notes from the discussions have been saved. The Forward Together in Christ organizing team has read all of the notes and summarized them. These summaries can be viewed below.