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St. Jerome's University Certificate in Catholic Leadership

Heart to Heart: Issue #543

A NEW AND EXCITING CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAM will be offered by St. Jerome’s University in Waterloo this Fall. The Certificate in Catholic Leadership seeks to support those who wish to better understand Catholic organizational life and to grow in their sense of missional leadership by: developing a more sophisticated understanding of leadership theories and tools to lead with integrity; expanding knowledge in key contemporary issues in Catholic leadership; recognizing the importance of experience outside of one’s professional domain; and developing the skills of reflection and discernment! The program offers flexible modes of participation with opportunities to build community in person at key milestones! It is well-suited to those who may consider graduate education in the future but cannot make that commitment at this life stage, as well as to those who hold graduate degrees but whose graduate training was from a more secular perspective. This is a wonderful opportunity to experience the excitement of the university environment. Interested?  Contact Dr. Carol Ann MacGregor at

A WARM WELCOME TO ARCHBISHOP DONALD BOLEN, from the Archdiocese of Regina, Saskatchewan. He is the Retreat Director for the first of two week-long retreats offered for Priests of the Hamilton Diocese this year. The Archbishop leads the Catholic Church in Canada in promoting healing and reconciliation with Indigenous peoples. He accompanied Pope Francis across the country during his historic healing pilgrimage to several Indigenous sites. A Catholic Bishop who is committed to ecumenical outreach, he is well-known for his insightful and heart-felt reflections on scripture. He will lead the retreat at the Mount Carmel Retreat Centre in Niagara Falls next week. In late August, Bishop Terrence Drainey from Middlesbrough, England, will direct a second retreat opportunity for Priests in the Hamilton Diocese.  May both retreats be a time for profound personal reflection and prayer.

THE DIOCESAN COUNCIL of the Catholic Women’s League of Canada will gather for their annual Convention next weekend (May 25-26) at St. Aloysius Parish in Kitchener. Led by Diocesan President, Joyce Cotter from Fergus, the convention will review and vote on resolutions to be presented to the Provincial Government. As well, the convention will elect a new administrative team for the coming two years. We wish the sisters-in-the-League well as they continue to serve For God and Canada!

WELCOME TO BROTHER DAVID, PROVINCIAL SUPERIOR, and to Brother Joseph, Councillor, of the Hospitaller Brothers of St. John of God. They are on a visitation to their Community here in the Diocese of Hamilton. The wonderful ministry of the Brothers and their Good Shepherd Ministries will be highlighted during the visit. I look forward to welcoming them to Ardree (Bishop’s Residence) for lunch next Wednesday. We pray for safe travels for the Brothers!

THE LONG-AWAITED WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS will be celebrated NEXT SUNDAY, May 26th, at the Cathedral Basilica of Christ the King, beginning at 1:30 p.m. More than 350 couples have registered to attend the always joy-filled event! The highlight, of course, is the renewal of the marriage promises of the couples, sealed with a kiss, and a blessing!

UPCOMING CELEBRATIONS OF THE SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION: Cathedral Basilica of Christ the King – Pentecost Sunday, Saturday evening Mass; Paroisse St. Philippe, Burlington – at St. Michael Parish, Oakville, May 21; three groups – at St. Ambrose, Cambridge, May 25. We pray for the young people who receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, that they may “renew the face of the earth”!

Ex corde, +Douglas, OMI

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