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Student Award: Romeo Fricano

Diocese of Hamilton Student Award: Romeo Fricano

Date posted on August 4, 2023

Cathedral Catholic Secondary School, Hamilton

Romeo Fricano is a 2023 Graduate of Cathedral High School in the French Immersion Program with a Specialist High Skills Major in Business.   

In addition to his excellent academic record, Romeo contributed many hours to his school community through his leadership roles on Student Council, CHSTV News Crew, CHS Robotics Team, Liturgy Imagination Team, and Halloween for Hunger.

He participated in various sports activities in the school and in the community which included hockey, cross-country and track and field.  He maintained a part time job throughout high school which included being a front-line worker throughout the pandemic. Next year, Romeo will be studying Business at McMaster University.  

Congratulations Romeo!

The Diocese of Hamilton Award is given to a student in the graduating class in every high school across the Diocese at the end of every school year. The Award recognizes a student in the graduating class who has attained high academic proficiency and exemplifies Catholic leadership qualities, Christian values and a commitment to service in the community.