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Diocese of Hamilton Student Award: Juliana Pusztay

Date posted on July 18, 2023

Bishop Ryan Catholic Secondary School, Hamilton

Juliana is an honour roll student who achieved the highest amount of volunteer hours in all areas of Social Justice and within her Parish and other Parishes.

She served as Spiritual Rep at Bishop Ryan for three years and on Student Council, winning Most valuable Member repeatedly. She also assisted with Special Ed Students in the Best Buddies Program. In addition to that, Juliana is a Peer Mentor to our feeder school students and a dedicated member to WRBR, the morning announcement show.

She is a humble leader and she is a strong example of her Catholic faith demonstrating and incredible commitment to both her school community and her outside community. 

Congratulations Juliana!

The Diocese of Hamilton Award is given to a student in the graduating class in every high school across the Diocese at the end of every school year. The Award recognizes a student in the graduating class who has attained high academic proficiency and exemplifies Catholic leadership qualities, Christian values and a commitment to service in the community.