HIS GRACE, THE MOST REVEREND FRANCESCO (FRANK) LEO, succeeds Cardinal Thomas Collins as Metropolitan Archbishop of Toronto tomorrow, March 25th, Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord. Appointed 14th Bishop (11th Archbishop) by Pope Francis on February 11, 2023, the new Archbishop was born in 1971 and ordained a Priest on December 14, 1996. Ordained a Bishop on September 12, 2022, he served as Auxiliary Bishop in Montreal until his appointment to Toronto. Because seating is limited in the Cathedral Basilica of St. Michael in Toronto, participation at the Mass of Installation is limited to “invited guests”. The event will be livestreamed. We wish the Archbishop long and happy service as Chief Shepherd of the Archdiocese and head of the Metropolitan Province of Toronto, which includes the Dioceses of Hamilton, St. Catharines, London, and Thunder Bay. Ad multos annos!
THIS SUNDAY IS “SOLIDARITY SUNDAY”, when we make our Lenten offerings to the Canadian Catholic Organization of Development and Peace (CCODP) to benefit programs and projects in the global south. Established by the Canadian Bishops in 1967, many good works have been supported over the years by CCODP. More recently, the organization has accepted the responsibility as Caritas Canada to assist those suffering through natural disasters, when financial assistance is so urgently needed. Parishioners are reminded that $1.00 per day for the 40 days of Lent ($40.00) is a generous Lenten offering. Please do what you can!
A LARGE NUMBER OF PRIESTS serving in the Diocese of Hamilton will gather to concelebrate the Mass of Chrism at the Cathedral Basilica of Christ the King during Holy Week, on Monday, April 3rd, beginning at 2:00 p.m. Son of the Diocese, Cardinal Thomas Collins, Emeritus Archbishop of Toronto, will join us! He was ordained a Priest at the Cathedral in 1973, 50 years ago this year. Bishop Anthony Tonnos, Emeritus Bishop of Hamilton, will also join us! He was ordained Bishop for service as Auxiliary Bishop of Hamilton in 1983, 40 years ago this year. He became the Diocesan Bishop the following year. Father Fernando Pinto, C.S.Sp. celebrates his 50th anniversary as a Priest. 25th anniversaries are celebrated by Fathers Wieslaw Berdowicz, S.Chr., Piotr Golinski, Anthony O’Dell, OMI, and Lawrence Parent. All Priests will renew their Priestly promises during the celebration of the Mass and enjoy a festive meal afterwards.
“ON GOOD FRIDAY, THE HOLY SEE asks more fortunate Christians to remember and support their brothers and sisters who feel more greatly the weight of Christ’s Cross. May they, by our solidarity, experience something of the blessings Christ in his glory has brought to all of us.” In a letter addressed to Bishops across the country, Fr. Bob Mokry, o.f.m., President of the Commissary of the Holy Land, invites Catholics to remember the Holy Land at the special collection on Good Friday, April 7, 2023. Please be generous! “Your contribution assists the Church in the Holy Land to retain possession of and maintain the holy places that have existed since the time of Christ, and are so important to Christians throughout the world.”
CONVERSATIONS AT ARDREE, a series of small group gatherings of Priests at the Bishop’s Residence in Hamilton, conclude next week with the final two sessions. The “conversations”, which are often wide-ranging, focused more directly on the responses of Priests to FORWARD TOGETHER IN CHRIST, a synodal process in the Diocese of Hamilton, which followed the lessening of COVID-19 restrictions. Auxiliary Bishop Wayne Lobsinger facilitated the many sessions, which were always engaging and lively.
OUR MUSLIM BROTHERS AND SISTERS began marking the holy month of Ramadam yesterday (Thursday). During the coming four weeks, hundreds of millions of Muslims will abstain from food and water from dawn to dusk, before gathering with family and friends for nighttime meals. According to Islam, fasting draws the faithful closer to God and reminds them of the suffering of the poor. At the end of Ramadam, Muslims celebrate the joyous Eid al-Fitr holiday, when children often receive new clothes and gifts. May our Muslim brothers and sisters be blessed during these holy days!
Our Lady of the Annunciation, pray for us!
Ex corde, +Douglas, OMI